Nagyharsányi Statue Park
In the abandoned stone mine of Szársomlyó-hegy sculptors have been working from 1967 whose experiments well overpassed the possibilities of public place sculpture of that time. The mine bay full of non-figurative sculptures provides a touching view. The cultural historical and art historical significance of the Sculpture Park of Nagyharsány lies in the fact that it was here where sculptors had an opportunity to freely experiment for the first time in Hungary. About 200 artists have worked here during the years since the foundation. Most of the sculptures were made from grey limestone from Nagyharsány and Beremend. The stone mine of Szársomlyó is currently a unique cultural sight on the touristic map of Baranya county and Hungary.
Nagyharsányi Statue Park
- 7815 Villány, Nagyharsány és Villány között, a főútról északi irányban letérve Route planning to the following location
- +36 30/309- XXX Show
- Google cégem
- Whole year
- OpenClosing: 19:00
- Friday (today)09:00-19:00
- Saturday09:00-19:00
- Sunday09:00-19:00
- Monday09:00-19:00
- Tuesday09:00-19:00
- Wednesday09:00-19:00
- Thursday09:00-19:00
Community sites
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